Mattel Aquarius FAQ

The Mattel Aquarius F.A.Q.
Version Aqua.01 – August 2000
Created by Fred Horvat
Maintained by Sly D.C.

This F.A.Q. is based on the Mattel Aquarius made by Fred Horvat.
Since it wasn’t updated since ???, i sent an e-mail to Fed asking him
if he would do an update soon or if i could maintained his FAQ. Well
sad to say that my e-mail was sent back to me saying that his e-mail
couldn’t be delivered since his account was an user unknow.

So i decided to maintain his FAQ until i hear from him, hope that he
doesn’t mind…(and the new look!).

O.K.,Here’s the legal stuff: Copyright(c) 2000, Fred Horvat and
Sylvain De Chantal.

All rights reserved. This … Read the rest

Intellivision FAQ

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Intellivision Patches

Intellivision Patches

These prices are from ACTUAL SALES, not asking prices. Last update is 11-17-2014
Again these are SOLD Prices not Asking Prices

Beamrider Beamriders
Dreadnaught Factor Dreadnaught Destroyer
Happy Trails Trailblazers Angled
Pitfall! Explorer’s Club
River Raid River Raider
Stampede Trail Drive $200
Worm Whomper Worm Whompers $19.00
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